Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Please don't mind the dust and the cobwebs. If you've landed here today, you likely got here from the Eyelet Outlet blog and this crazy bit of news.....


What the?!?!.....I can't think of any other word except crazy!  I am so excited and ready to report for duty. I'll primarily post for Eyelet Outlet on Saturday mornings, which leaves a lot of time to do some catching up around here. 

As you can see, I haven't used this blog for anything crafty in years.  I still scrap all the time (and shop and organize and scrap some more), but back when blogger became really difficult to use with my iPad, I moved to more posting on a private message board with friends and a bit on my Instagram.  I think I've found my excuse to get back to using the blog.  And it looks like some of the tech issues have improved with age, so let's give it a shot.

But with this new development, I need to give this place a good 'ol spring cleaning! This weekend will be my first chance to really spend some time doing some updates, but I thought I should at least jump in and say hello in case anyone clicks here now.  

I'll start Eyelet Outlet blog posts later this month. Until then, here's a page I submitted for the Design Team call.  As soon as I spotted the gnome brads, I knew they needed to go on a page in my Iceland books. 

Have a great day!



  1. Love this layout, and the gnomes are so cute! Congratulations, Rebecca. Can't wait to see what you create.
